How to Win Your Spouse Back in 10 Steps Copy

10 Little Known Steps You May Not Have Thought Of to Win Him/Her Back

If your spouse is not interested in working on the marriage or wants a divorce, you’re probably experiencing a wide arrange of emotions from anger to sadness and fear. It’s a painful place to be. It’s confusing and it’s scary because you’re afraid of losing him/her. Although it may seem like a lost cause, there is still a lot you can do on your end to help turn things around, even if your spouse seems disinterested. It’s not going to be easy but if you work on implementing these 10 things, there is reason to hope that love can once again flourish.

You’ve been looking for how to save a marriage when only one is trying and this is the right place to be. If you haven’t yet read the 10 Steps to Winning Your Spouse Back article please do so here.

We’re going to challenge you to roll up your sleeves and take our words VERY seriously!

You will have the pleasure of listening to Rabbi Shlomo Slatkin, M.S., LCPC, advanced clinician in Imago Relationship Therapy with over a DECADE of experience in saving couples from the WORST OF SITUATIONS to now having a solid, committed and thriving relationship built on a stable foundation.

You have the a privilege of working with a marriage counselor that ONLY works with couples- not a general practitioner that works with the world, but a specialist who sees the WORST cases of marriage problems.

Maybe now you will feel better about your own situation now that you hear that he has seen it all! 🙂

Although it may seem like a lost cause, there is still a lot you can do on your end to help turn things around, even if your spouse seems disinterested. It’s not going to be easy but if you work on implementing these 10 things, there is reason to hope that love can once again flourish.

We know what works and we know what doesn’t. We’ve consolidated this information for you- specifically for you, the “Lone Ranger” who is fighting to save your marriage all by yourself.

We recommend that you listen to all of the steps, giving yourself days, maybe weeks, to slowly implement what you hear- bit by bit, day by day, so that you become used to the work and the commitment.

Once you’re fully committed, that’s actually half the battle. And you are, so congrats!

Thinking of you,

Rabbi Shlomo and Rivka Slatkin,
The Marriage Restoration Project

Course Instructor

Rivka Slatkin Rivka Slatkin Author

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Win Your Spouse Back
